TGR Callout System

To help people practice the callouts below and focusing enemies, TGR has created a practice workshop mode. The code for it is HKYPD . This mode can be played solo or with other team mates. We will have a video created shortly for the workshop mode as well (2021-11-15).

How To Tell Your Team To Focus on an Enemy Hero

Examples: "focus Mcree left top", "focus Pharah rear sky", "focus Mercy front sky"

Purpose: Ask the team to focus fire on an enemy hero.


1 - "Focus"

2 - enemy hero name

3 - direction relative to path to current objective: front, rear,left , right

4 - if they are vertical: top, or sky

What To Say When One Of Your Team's Supports Is Being Attacked

Examples: "help our Ana", "help our Bap", "help our Mercy"

Purpose: Ask the team to protect a support since you can't win team fights without at least 1 support alive.


1 - "help our"

2 - friendly support hero name

How To Tell Your Team Where An Enemy Hero Is

Examples: "contact left top Mcree", "contact front left top soldier mercy", "contact rear left tracer", "contact rear left 4"

Purpose: Inform the team of a hero that isn't where the team is currently focusing, but the team needs to know about the enemy heros location to avoid being flanked. The other situation to use this call is for an enemy hero that only specific players on your team can counter. An example of this calling out where the enemy Pharah is so your team's solider counter her, or the enemy Widow so your team's widow can counter her.


1 - "contact"

2 - direction relative to path to current objective: front, rear,left , right, front-right,front-left,rear-right,rear-left if they are vertical: top, sky

3 - enemy hero name(s) you want to Inform the team of, or number of enemies if they are grouped up

How To Ask For Heals From Your Team's Healer

Examples: "heal Mcree behind ana", "heal solider left of ana", "heal Hanzo behind ana"

Purpose: Let healer know you need healing because you have already taken damage or about to take damage due doing something like using an ult. Its important for everyone on the team to help the supports keep an eye on who needs healing since Supports have to try to focus not only on their team positions but the enemies teams positions.


1 - "heal"

2 - friendly hero name on your team, this can be yourself or someone else on your team

3 -(if needed) direction relative to healer: in front of, behind,left of ,right of

4 - (if needed) hero healer name on your team

How To Tell Your Team Your Are Handling A Flanking Enemy Hero

Examples: "soldier hunting soldier left high", "reaper hunting tracer rear", "reaper hunting genji"

Purpose: Let the team know you are going after an enemy and if that enemy hasn't been called out already, let the team know where the threat is.


1 - your hero's name

2 - "hunting"

3 - enemy hero you are going after

4 - (if they haven't been called as a contact already) direction relative to path to current objective: front, rear,left , right, front-right,front-left,rear-right,rear-left

What to Say When You Die

Examples: "down soldier", "down baptise"

Purpose: let the team know you died so they can adjust their decision making, this is especially important if you are a support.


1 - "down"

2 - your heros name

What to Say When You Take An Enemy Hero Out

Examples: "no soldier", "no baptise"

Purpose: let the team know an enemy has been taken out.


1 - "no"

2 - the enemy hero's name

What to Say When You Want Your Team to Back Up a Little Bit

Examples: "kite"

Purpose: let your team know they need to back up some while still maintaining fire and pressure on the enemy team. This is often done when the enemy team has an advantage that would cause your team to die if your don't give the enemy team some "space". This is also done to get the enemy team into a position advantageous to your team.


1 - "kite"

What To Say When you see Enemy Heros use certain Abilities

Examples: "no nade", "no hook", "no ally"

Purpose: let your team know a hero on the enemy used an ability that due to the cooldown timers ability can allow other people on your team to pressure the enemy team. For example a reaper who wants to ult will have a much better chance of success if Ana's sleep dart is on cool down. by telling your team "no sleep", reaper or any other dive champion now knows they are free to to pressure Ana for the next 12 seconds.


1 - "no nade" - Ana used healing / damage grenade

2 - "no sleep" - Ana used sleep dart

3 - "no lamp" - Baptise used immortality field

4 - "no flash" - Cassidy used flashbang

5 - "no deflect" - Genji used deflect

6 - "mei no heal" - Mei used her cryo-freeze ability

7 - "no fortify" - Orisa used fortify

8 - "no fade" - Reaper used wraith form

9 - "no hook" - Hog used hook

10 - "no vape" - Hog used self-heal ability "take a breather"

11 - "no grasp" - Sigma used "kinetic grasp" ability

12 - "no rock" - Sigma used "accretion" ability

13 - "no recall - Tracer used recall

14 - "no personal" - Zaryra used her self bubble ("particle barrier" ability)

15 - "no ally" - Zaryra bubbled a team mate ("projected barrier" ability)

What to Say When Your Team Controls An Area On The Map

Examples: "We Control left of payload","We Control right high ground"

Purpose: let your team know the level of control your team has over an area of the map, this lets your Support and DPS know what area they can position and the level of safety they can expect to have in that area.


1 - "We Control"

2 - direction relative to path to current objective: front, rear,left , right

4 - (optional) if the area is vertical: top

What to Say When The Enemy Team Takes Control Of An Area On The Map

Examples: "They Own left of payload","They Own right high ground"

Purpose: let your team know the enemy team has control over an area of the map, this lets your Support and DPS know what area they can position and the level of safety they can expect to have in that area.


1 - "We Control"

2 - direction relative to path to current objective: front, rear,left , right

4 - (optional) if the area is vertical: top

What to Say When You Want Your Team To Try to Take Control Of An Area

Examples: "Hog pressure their left flank", "everyone pressure left", "Rein pressure front", "Zaryra pressure their right flank", "DVA pressure point"

Purpose: ask a member of your team, or the entire team to try to take control of an area of the by applying pressure in a specific direction to help take space.


1 - Friendly hero name, or "everyone" if you want the whole team to

2 - "pressure"

3 - direction relative to path to current objective: front, rear,left , right

4 - (optional) if the area is vertical: top